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Construction Notes


Flächen.ding is a casual summer sweater that is worn a little wider. The deep armholes make it airy and summery. The colorful stripes, which can be perfectly knitted from leftovers, cheer up the shirt.


Sizes: XS (S, M, L1, L2, XL, XXL)

A: Bust circ in cm 102 (108, 113, 118, 123, 132, 138) (including 16 cm positive ease)

E: Total length in cm ca. +/- 55



24 sts x 38 r = 10 x 10 cm in stockinette stitch (washed and blocked)


Yarn MC: la Bien Aimee (100% superwash merino, LL 366 m / 100 g), in Tickle

Yarn CC1-CC3: for each colour one Frida Fuchs Minifuchs in 3 colours (100% superwash merino, LL 73 m / 20 g)

Yarn requirement MC approx.: 800 (850, 900, 950, 1.000, 1.050, 1.100) m


Needles: Main nd 3,75 mm circ. nd (80 cm), Ribbing 3,25 mm circ. nd (80 cm).


Material: stitch marker, yarn holder or waste yarn, darning needle.


Special techniques: german short rows, increases (m1l / m1r), decreases (k2tog, ssk).

Flächending engl.

6,00 €Preis
exkl. MwSt.

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